Crop A Photo To PAN Card Size On Webflow

We use CropGuide to crop a photo to PAN Card size before users upload photos on Webflow

First we need to install CropGuide for Webflow. Then we can set up PAN Card cropping. This will only take a couple minutes.

If you’re unfamiliar with CropGuide you can try it out on the site

Set the PAN Card aspect ratio

We can set the correct PAN Card aspect ratio in the CropGuide customer dashboard, this will make sure your customers always upload correctly sized images.

  1. Select your website in the Customer dashboard.
  2. Scroll towards the Configuration heading.
  3. Then find Crop Aspect Ratio heading just below it. A screenshot of the CropGuide dashboard showing a text input to set a custom crop aspect ratio
  4. Now we enter 86:54 as the aspect ratio, which is the PAN Card size in millimeters.
  5. Click save.

If you want to make sure images are of high enough quality you can optionally set the Minimum Crop Size field.

Now go to the form on your website, refresh the page so we’re sure our new settings have loaded.

Test your PAN Card cropping field

When using the image upload field on your Webflow website, CropGuide will now ensure every image is cropped to match the PAN Card aspect ratio of 86:54.

Your customers can now correctly cropped and rotated upload pictures of their PAN Card saving you time having to crop the documents manually.

Try a CropGuide demo on the site, or reach out if you have any questions.

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