Add an Image Cropper to your Shopify store

Add an image cropper to your Shopify site and set image requirements like crop aspect ratio and image target size. Use CropGuide and receive better images.

Adding an image cropper into your Shopify store enhances the customer experience for personalized products. It allows customers to precisely edit and adjust their images before applying them to items, ensuring the final product looks exactly as they envisioned.

This guide helps you set up CropGuide to enhance any file upload field used in Shopify themes with image cropping functionality.

Installing CropGuide

To get started we first need to create a CropGuide account

Log in to CropGuide and add your domain to the control panel.

The control panel will generate a unique script for your domain similar to the one shown below:

<script defer src="">

With your CropGuide account created let’s log in to the Shopify store admin.

Adding CropGuide to a page

  1. Select your store in the sales channels list.

  2. Click Pages and select the page you want to add CropGuide to.

  3. Click <> to show the page HTML

  4. Copy the CropGuide script for your domain to the end of the page content.

  5. Click Save

Adding CropGuide to a product

  1. Click Products and select the product you want to add CropGuide to.

  2. Click <> to show the description HTML

  3. Copy the CropGuide script for your domain to the end of the content.

  4. Click Save

That's it! CropGuide will now load and transform images when they're added to a file upload field on your Shopify page.

You can adjust the behavior of CropGuide in the control panel for your domain, or you can set custom instructions per field.

Please feel free to reach out to us if you any questions.

Learn more about CropGuide

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